Wednesday, January 6, 2010

First task of 2010...

So for my new years resolution I vowed I would first and foremost quit smoking. I am more than half way through day 6. I have tried this a few times, so I know the pattern I go through. The first three days are the worst for me. For the first three days it is best if I avoid people, specially people who smoke ( or people I want to keep as friends). Most people say the first day is the hardest. This is not true for me, I can make it past the cravings if I stay busy. So once the nicotine is out of my system it's the mental stuff that gets to me. I find myself looking to grab a smoke after I finish a meal. Or just while I am sitting at my computer playing WoW. I catch myself searching for them in a split second, then I remember that I haven't had a ashtray or a cigg in the house for 6 days now. I shake my head at myself for being so silly and forgetting, but it's out of a 17 yr habit that I keep reaching for something that isn't here. Maybe I can blog about this journey and then add others, as I have a long list of things I want to accomplish this year.

1 comment:

  1. Starla, I found that moving the furniture around worked for me. I really thought that drinking coffee and talking on the phone would be the hardest but it wasn't. It was sitting and watching TV.
    Little things like moving the chair to the other side of the coffee table made a big difference.
    Good luck you can do it!
