Monday, January 11, 2010

Day 11, Feeling pretty good today. I can actually recall thinking about smoking for a split second in passing right after we ate lunch earlier. Thank God for packs of gum lol.

so today I want to touch on something else that is really bother me. Divorce,separation etc.

In the past few months I have learned that a few of our friends have separated and are either already divorced or heading that way. People that really weren't married very long. Now I know that ever one does what's best for them and sometimes things just don't work out. But sometimes I think people get lost in the shuffle of life and lose sight of the reasons they married in the first place.They give up to easily, they don't fight for it, they just throw there hands in the air and say " oh well divorce is the answer" and they move on.Why don't people fight more for love? Why haven't people figured out that marriage for all the wrong reasons still makes it wrong. because often times we here : " we married cause I got pregnant" or " I did it to get out of my parents house" or many other reasons I have heard. Why has it been 3 generations of people and we don't evolve enough to know better?

I just want people to know... There are stable,wonderful marriages. There are people who are so compatible that every day life is like that first sight of snow in the morning before anyone has touched it.... breath taking. I don't know why people don't fight harder for love. But I do know I will always fight for it,I will never give up on it. My husband will have me by his side until the day I take my last breath. He is my best friend.

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